Friday, May 29, 2009

And They're Off!

Good luck to you all tomorrow (even though luck has nothing to do with it). It's all about the training and that's behind you now. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing tomorrow. Run your own race.

Someone once told me this and I'll never forget it. They said: "the person that starts the race is not the same person that finishes the race." I really think there's some truth to that. Especially if you're running your very first race.

I can't wait to hear all of your stories that will follow. I want to encourage you to write your story down. I would love to know your thoughts about this whole experience. Maybe Priscialla could even include those in the scrapbook, but for now...

You are ready.

Go get 'em!


  1. I personally wanted to thank you Cindy. I know we all keep thanking you and you're probably like, "Enough, already". But you truly are a blessing. For me personally you have changed the way I think of dreaded cardio work to something I really enjoy. You've made a runner out of me! God is using you to change our lives and our health. Thank you for letting God use you. Thank you for all of your encouraging words. I am registering for other 5ks, one on 7/11th and one 8/1 the silks and satin 5k in saratoga. I hope we do them together! Who knows in a couple of years we may all be running a marathon together! I may even smoke ya :)

  2. Yay! Cool seeing everybody in the pink shirts on Saturday! The weather was so good, and for me, starting at the back, the run was actually fun because everyone was way ahead of me, and I COULD run my own race. What was annoying was the uneven (to me) pavement. What was funny were some of the well-meaning, but embarrassingly silly and condescending things spectators said in supposed "encouragement!" Oh, well. It was a good day. I was happy to hear of some of your finish times, too! Yay! Thanks again for getting us out there, Cindy--I do not think I would have attended the race this year without this group! God bless ya! Ellen
