Eight brave souls showed up today at the Tech Park. I think everyone is doing fantastic! I want to take some time to give you some encouragement... First of all, what you are doing really is a BIG deal! Some of you have never run...not ever. I know it's hard, but you know what? I've been running for a long time and it is still hard for me, too. I'm not just saying that either. I don't know that it ever gets easy, but I do know that the more you run, the more you can run.
Maybe for you, running half a mile was the absolute most you could do, then one day you realize you can go a little further. And eventually, you'll feel like you could go even further than that. Each time you meet a goal, you have a new level of confidence. For me, that feeling is a big motivator. In fact, I thrive on it!
Don't be discouraged when you have a bad running day. You are bound to have those days. (Yes, I have those days). There are days that the body is just not into the run. This can happen for many reasons and it doesn't matter how experienced of a runner you are. There might be a day when your legs feel like tree trunks or you're getting a cramp or you can't get your breathing down...fill in your own yucky feeling. Expect these things from time to time. When it happens, don't dwell on it. One bad run does not erase all the hard work and training you've already done. Just forget about it and look ahead to the next time. Chances are, your next run will be better.
Believe it or not, there will also come a time (and maybe this has happened already?) that you actually feel GOOD out there on a run. Your goal of running one mile (or whatever your goal is) is in sight and on this particular day you feel like "today might be the day." Once you have met that goal, you will feel inspired and on top of the world. You'll walk around for the next few hours or maybe even days saying to yourself, "I can't believe I did that!" Go ahead and be proud of your accomplishment - you deserve it!
That is the feeling I want each and every one of you to have. So, look ahead and keep your eyes on your goal whatever it may be.
Hi, all. I AM impressed. You all were moving up and down the little hill on Saturday with ease! I will miss you this Saturday. I'm up in Plattsburgh. Maybe I can take a few minutes on a track there....Anyway, I got a coupon and now I have to register! Have a good week! Ellen