Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Leave A Comment, Win A Prize!

Hey, girls...I have a 2009 planner that I want to give away, but you must leave me comment to be eligible. Your comment has to be about running and what you're looking forward to/not looking forward to, etc. It can be funny or serious. It really doesn't matter.

Talk to me people!

I will ask a neutral party to choose the best comment and that person will receive the planner.

Disclaimer: The planner says "Compliments of East Ridge Community Church" on it, but we get things like this in the mail for free all the time and they never get used. I either give them to someone in the church or throw them away.

I'll have this giveaway open until the end of the week (Friday, February 27 at midnight). You have all week to work on your wit & whimsy. Give me your best shot!

P.S. I have all sorts of little running doodads that I will be giving away in the future so don't be sad if you don't win this time :-)


  1. I think that the hardest thing for me to overcome when I run is myself. I find myself saying, "I can't possibly run that far or that fast..." then, of course, I don't. It's been hard for me to get past that.

    I truly enjoy running. I always feel really good when I've pushed myself farther than I thought I could. I guess that along with my calendar, I need to bring my confidence! :)

  2. First of all.. Diane.. cute profile picture.. love the long hair girl!! Major hotness!

    Anyhow... my thoughts about running have always been focused on running away from running. I think it goes back to the HS days when you had to run around the track and I would be in the back of the pack with the smokers and the chubby girls :-) No.. seriously, I did play soccer which requires quite a bit of running, but I like to run AND DO STUFF at the same time. I was therefore thinking that we could kick a soccer ball or do step aerobics while completing the Freihofer's RAce. I hope that Cindy will find a way to amuse me!

    My ONLY reason to run at this point is to hang out with you girls and to get my bod in some sort of quality shape for summer.. I'm pretty basic at this point and haven't moved into the spiritual realm of running.. :-)

  3. Alyson, I'm not confidenced that I will be a lifer runner either. I keep thinking that someday soon I will fall in love with it. That hasn't happened yet! I force myself on the treadmill. I pretty much am doing this to give my exercise a purpose. I would like to lose another 17lbs and tone up everything. So training for a race with running and strength training should help me do that. Maybe God is making us into "those marathon runners from East Ridge?"- "God doesn't call the equiped, He equips the called." "Exercise is about change and change is a miracle." I know that if I start loving running it will sure be miraculous!
